“The Taking of Leon Winchell”

Check out my latest tale of horror on The Wicked Library, “The Taking of Leon Winchell,” followed by a short interview with me about my work!

Daniel Foytik did an amazing job narrating and giving the characters a voice on this one. He really has a way of breathing life into the written page. Just writing this story creeped me out a bit, but hearing it did so even more!

Sit down, have a listen, and enjoy!

Also, check it out and subscribe on itunes, and don’t forget to leave a review! It’s the best way to show your support for all the hard work everyone puts into bringing these stories out into the world.

“The Exchange”

“The Exchange,” which is the episode I wrote for The Lift, is the first time my own work has sent a shiver up my spine. Thanks to the amazing narration of Daniel Foytik and the voice of Victoria by Amber Collins, as well as the wonderful musical score, the story really came to life.

What scared me the most when listening to the finished product was the scene in the elevator when the music box begins to play. I recognized the sound immediately. I have a music box from when I was a child that plays the exact same music.


Another interesting fact about the story is the main character’s name-Sonny. I chose that name because when I was a child my grandfather called me Sonny Boy. He never called any of the immediate family by name; everyone had their own nickname. That one was mine.

A strong personal element was added in the creation of Sonny, taken from my own life. Although I never pulled any bank heist, nor did I ever steal to get ahead, but I did spend a number of years on the street in an unforgiving city. I used that experience when creating Sonny, using it to build his personality and give reason to the choices he made. When listening to “The Exchange” I found myself easily identifying with my own creation, feeling sympathy and understanding for my character even though his actions weren’t honorable.

Writing this episode has been one of the high points of my writing career. It’s been an enjoyable experience. One I’ll always remember.


The Lift – Epidode 8

The Lift episode 8 is now live!

“The Exchange” written by yours truly.

Writing this episode has been a challenge, but an enjoyable one. This is the first time my work has been in audio format and I had to account for that while developing the idea and writing it. Working with The Lift has been an awesome experience and I’m honored to be working with the amazingly talented people who created and contributed to the podcast.

If you enjoy The Lift you should check out The Wicked Library which will feature my newest short story, “The Taking of Leon Winchell” on Wednesday!

I’d also like to give a special shout out to Travis Coleman for all the support! You can check out his website/blog HERE. He’s also got a book releasing soon, “A Wolf in Patchwork Clothing,” which will be available on Amazon.